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Is that hardware in your toolkit, or are you just glad you're keeping up? - Jeff Murri (BSides Augusta 2014) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Is that hardware in your toolkit, or are you just glad you're keeping up?
Jeff Murri

Friends: The landscape is a changin', and if you are not integrating hardware devices into your audits (or are not familiar with various hardware solutions available) then soon you will be behind the curve. For the independent or hobbyist security researcher, however, hardware auditing tools are normally out of our reach, some notable exceptions being the Hak5 pineapple and hacked boxes running OpenWRT. Being an information security researcher of very modest means (and a big cheapskate), when a tool drops below $100 I'm a pretty happy guy. When a hardware tool drops below $50.00 then I can't wait to add it to my toolkit!

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