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Honey, I Stole Your C2 Server: A dive into attacker infrastructure - Andrew Rector Bloomcon 2017 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Honey, I Stole Your C2 Server: A dive into attacker infrastructure
Andrew Rector

Bloomcon 2017

As an incident responder, have you ever thought about how much easier an investigation would be if you had the C2 server in your possession? In this talk, we are going to deep dive a rare investigation in which Mandiant obtained a forensic copy of an attacker C2 system. You will learn about the initial compromise of the C2 server, the tools and tactics used by the attacker, and the investigative steps taken to identify the full scope of the attack. In addition, you will learn about the specific challenges involved with the analysis, and some unique lessons learned from performing this investigation.

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