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New results in password hash reversal - Mark Sanders Bloomcon 2017 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

New results in password hash reversal
Mark Sanders

Bloomcon 2017

Mark Sanders, a Research Manager at Noblis, will discuss the state of the art in password recovery from cryptographic hash function digests. His talk will detail several current hash reversal strategies, including modern GPU-based reversal tools, the history and theory behind rainbow tables and discuss what happens when hashes can be reversed at large scale and the kinds of impact it can have on users of the Internet. Finally, the talk will present, for the first time in public and in detail, an all new approach to hash reversal that has the potential to beat most other state-of-the-art approaches in hash reversal called the Bloom Reverse - an approach which finds a novel new use for a largely unknown Computer Science algorithm from the 1970s called Bloom Filters.

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