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Shooting Phish in a Barrel - Amanda Berlin AIDE 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Shooting Phish in a Barrel
Amanda Berlin
AIDE 2016


Repetition is a proven successful way to bridge the gap of compliance, teaching our users real life skills, and helping secure the infrastructure that we are responsible for protecting. This is best implemented with a comprehensive hands-on security phishing and awareness rewards program. A full program design will provide a maturity that the CBTs have not. While they are a good value add and can be used to reinforce the real life scenarios, relying on them as a primary means of security awareness training will not provide the value or insight to the first line of defense. By consistently reinforcing the CBTs with a custom built awareness program you increase the end user?s skills and boost the organization?s immunity to phishing and social engineering threat factors. We all know that the end user is the weakest link. With all the talk around how broken user education is. I'll be going over the user education by phishing and rewards program I put into place in an enterprise environment.
Tracked Metrics:
1. Users targeted
2. Users successfully phished
3. Phishes reported

I'll share what I did, learned, screwed up, and would change.

Recorded at AIDE 2016

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