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AIDE 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

AIDE 2015


Recorded at AIDE 2015. Big thanks to Bill Gardner (@oncee) for having me out to record.

ISLET (Isolated, Scalable, & Lightweight Environment for Training) - Jon Schipp

Examining Hacktivism: Crime and Punishment in the Digital Age - Bill Gardner/Kim DeTardo-Bora/Amanda Richards

INFOSEC Flash Forward - Changing how we think - Dave Kennedy

Quantum Computing 01100101 - Tess Schrodinger

Introducing Network Scout: Defending the Soft Center of Your Network - Aeadan Somerville/Shawn Jordan

Mutillidae - Jeremy Druin

Quick Intro To Lock Picking - Adrian Crenshaw

OWASP Applied - Elliott Cutright (Not Recorded)

Kevin Cordle - Kevin Cordle (Not Recorded)

Overview of Darknets - Adrian Crenshaw

BREAKING in BAD (I’m the one who doesn’t knock) - Jayson Street


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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast