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ISLET (Isolated, Scalable, & Lightweight Environment for Training) - Jon Schipp AIDE 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

ISLET (Isolated, Scalable, & Lightweight Environment for Training)
Jon Schipp


Abstract: ISLET (Isolated, Scalable, & Lightweight Environment for Training)
is a system that streamlines Linux based software training for IT events. It minimizes the participation barrier to that of an SSH client. It uses Linux containers to provide students with isolated environments from which they can perform work. ISLET is used at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to teach digital forensics tools and by the Bro Project to teach Bro, among other use cases. This talk will discuss ISLET, the problems it solves, a technical overview of Linux containers, and includes a live demonstration of standing up a brand new ISLET system in under 10 minutes.

Bio: Jon Schipp is on the security operations team at the NCSA, and an IT consultant. He is the author of ISLET and a contributor to many Free and Open Source Projects including The Netsniff-NG Toolkit, SecurityOnion, and the Bro Project. Founder of the Open Network Security Monitoring Group (OpenNSM), a weekly research and user DFIR/NSM group without borders, along with multiple LUG's, and the Southern Indiana Computer Klub (SICKbits). Jon has had the pleasure of speaking at many conferences including Derbycon, Hack3rCon, AIDE, BroCon, MOSSCon, and more. He enjoys death metal, intellectual history, and recreational volleyball. More info at http://jonschipp.com

Recorded at AIDE 2015

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