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Network King Of The Hill (NetKotH): A hacker wargame for organizers who are lazy Adrian Crenshaw (Irongeek) AIDE 2013 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Network King Of The Hill (NetKotH): A hacker wargame for organizers who are lazy
Adrian Crenshaw (Irongeek)
AIDE 2013

So, you want to run a capture the flag game? Well, have you thought of scenarios you want to use? Already ran one and need to change it up for the next con? What sort of hardware do you think you will need? Feel too lazy to come up with your own scenarios every single time? Running a CTF can be a pain. The idea behind NetKotH is to have the players make the game dynamic so you don’t have to. They have to own the boxes, and keep them, to score point. This makes them both the red and the blue teams. Even if you reuse the same scenarios/VMs each time, things change as player race each other to get control first, script re-pwning of boxes and try to make life hell for each other.

Recorded at AIDE 2013

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