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Advice on Starting a Startup with the ever caffeinated Billy Hoffman (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Advice on Starting a Startup with the ever caffeinated Billy Hoffman

Bio from Shoecon website: Billy Hoffman is researcher who is focused on JavaScript source code analysis, automated discovery of Web application vulnerabilities, and web crawling technologies. His work has been featured in Wired, Make magazine, Slashdot, G4TechTV, and in various other journals and Web sites. Billy is regular presenter at hacker conferences including Toorcon, Shmoocon, Phreaknic, Summercon, and Outerz0ne and is active in the South East hacking scene. Occasionally the suits make him takes off the black t-shirt and he speaks at more mainstream security events including as RSA, Infosec, AJAXWorld, and Black Hat. Billy is also the author of the book Ajax Security published by Addison Wesley in December 2007.

Thanks to Rick and Scott for organizing Shoecon, Skydog and crew from hooking up the AV, and of course the speakers and attendees for being there.

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