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Jon Callas: Do You Want to Know a Secret? SkyDogCon 2013 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Jon Callas: Do You Want to Know a Secret?
SkyDogCon 2013

Jon Callas is a cryptographer and security expert, co-founder of PGP and Silent Circle. He will talk about his life and career, from music to software engineering to cryptography. He will also talk about privacy and freedom, security and certainty.

About the Speaker

Jon Callas is most well known for his work in cryptography. He is an author of a number of standards including OpenPGP, DKIM, and ZRTP. He was a finalist in the NIST SHA-3 competition with the Skein hash function. He is a co-founder of PGP Corporation and Silent Circle.

Way back in the 1900s, he had an account at MIT when you just logged in and asked politely to get one. He worked at the best grad school the computer industry ever had, Digital Equipment, working deep in the core of the OS as well as in security. He is a photographer and a bit of a camera collector, travels too much, drives a Morgan or two, and once upon a time was a symphony musician.


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