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This is a class we gave for the
Kentuckiana ISSA on the the subject of password exploitation. The Password
Exploitation Class was put on as a charity event for the Matthew Shoemaker
Memorial Fund ( http://www.shoecon.org/ ).
The speakers were Dakykilla, Purehate_ and Irongeek.
Lots of password finding and crack topics were covered. Hashcat, OCLHashcat,
Cain, SAMDump2, Nir's Password Recovery Tools, Password Renew, Backtrack 4 R1,
UBCD4Win and much more.
My slides in PDF and
PPTX format. The class video has been split into three parts:
Part 2: The best single video out there for
showing Hashcat and OCLHashcat. Lots of info about using Hashcat/OCLHashcat,
its advantages, and the power of a video card to
boost cracking speed.
Part 3: Windows LM and NTLM hash cracking, Time Memory Tradeoffs,
SAM Cracking Prevention, Linux/Unix passwd and shadow files, Parts of a
*nix hash, Windows Cached Domain Credentials, Problems with Windows 7,
Cracking Creds Countered, Finding where Unknown Apps store passwords,
System Process Monitoring, RegFromApp, ProcessActivityView, Procmon
(Process Monitor), finding the hash type, Other Weird Vectors, Inverse
Bruteforce, Look in the logs for passwords, upcoming events.
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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast