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Backdooring Git - John Menerick Derbycon 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Backdooring Git
John Menerick
Derbycon 2015

Join John Menerick for a fun-filled tour of source control management and services to talk about how to backdoor software. We will focus on one of the most popular, trendy SCM tools and services out there Git and GitHub. Nothing is sacred. Along the way, we will expose the risks and liabilities one is exposed to by faulty usage and deployments. When we are finished, you will be able to use the same tools and techniques to protect or backdoor popular open source projects or your hobby project.

John Menerick works on Security @ NetSuite. John's interests include cracking clouds, modeling complex systems, developing massive software-defined infrastructures, and is the outlier in your risk model.

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