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Jack Daniel (@jack_daniel): BSides, Harmonicas, and Communication Skills (BSides Nashville 2014) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Jack Daniel (@jack_daniel): BSides, Harmonicas, and Communication Skills
BSides Nashville 2014

Humans are storytellers, but we load up PowerPoint (and Keynote, etc.) with bullets and shoot to kill the imagination and interest of our audiences. In this conversation Jack will discuss how to use storytelling techniques to improve your communication and presentation skills; how to safely disarm your slide decks by removing bullets, and what to replace them with; when storytelling is appropriate- and when it isn't. Jack will share insights, tips, and tricks gained through years of study, personal experience (successes and failures), and practice. And, he will tell a story or two- just don't ask to sit on his lap while he tells them, that is just awkward.

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