Hackers on Hackers
Movie Commentary (Crow)
Here it is, The Hackers on Hackers commentary as recorded in room 404 at PhreakNIC X. Part informative, mostly MST3K style, all drunk.
Download the commentary here (it's about 50MB):
For those don't know what the movie is see IMDB or Wikipedia:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackers_%28movie%29For software to play this commentary in sync with a DVD of the movie you can try:
You may encounter sync issues with Sharecrow, read this tutorial here to setup your own .crow file to sync thinks up (+10,000 ms seems to work pretty well). My hardware is giving be stutter problems, if anyone makes a good .crow file email it to me. Your best bet may be to just play the DVD in whatever you normally use and start up this commentary in Winamp or XMMS as soon as you hit play.
Folks on the commentary include Jason Scott, Slick0 (our audio engineer), Lowtek Mystik, Droops (Drunk as hell by the time he got there), Mirovengi, Fiebig, Coldsteal, Frolics w/Scissors, Operat0r(passed out on the floor), Joe721, Telcobob, DOSMan, Dtmf, Demented and myself. Sorry if I missed anyone, it was PhreakNIC X and I was drinking a little. Enjoy. The commentary was done as an Infonomicon joint, so feel free to mirror it.