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BSides Columbus 2016 Videos (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

BSides Columbus 2016 Videos

These are the videos from the BSides Columbus Ohio conference. Thanks to Michael Spaulding for having me up and Greg, James & Brandon who manned the video rigs.


Keynote Thomas Drake
Thomas Drake


Where Did All My Data Go
Deral Heiland

Developers: Care and Feeding
Bill Sempf

Open Secrets of the Defense Industry: Building Your Own Intelligence Program From the Ground Up
Sean Whalen

The Economics of Exploit Kits & E-Crime
Adam Hogan

Hacking Corporate Em@il Systems
Nate Power

All Your Base Still Belong To Us: Physical Penetration Testing Tales From The Trenches
Valerie Thomas & Harry Regan (Not recorded)


Establishing a Quality Vulnerability Management Program without Wasting Time or Money
Zee Abdelnabi (not posted)

Practical DLP Deployment for your Organization
Jon Damratoski

The Good The Bad and The Endpoint Protection
Joseph Ciaravino

Securing Docker Instances
Chris Huntington

Better SIEM Notifications - Making Your SIEM Situationally Aware
Jesse Throwe

Social Media Correlation of Credit Card Fraudsters
Chris Cullison & CW Walker


Special Teams

Removing Barriers of Diversity in Information Security
Helen Patton & Connie Matthews

Panel Discussion: InfoSec Trends, Talent Management, and Retention
Michael Butts, AJ Candella & Megan Wells

Indecision and Malformed Conclusions: The things that stifle security improvement and what can be done about them.
Tyler Smith

Gamify Awareness Training: Failure to engage is failure to secure
Michael Woolard

The Long and Winding Road: An InfoSec Career Panel
Lonnie Kelley & Valerie Thomas

The Pineapple is dead..Long live the Pineapple
David Young



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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast