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SkyDogCon 2013 Videos  (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

SkyDogCon 2013 Videos

Here are the videos from SkyDogCon 3. Thanks to all of the SkyDogCon crew, especially @pentestfail (http://www.pentestfail.com) who was in charge of video (I just spoke at this con, and killed my brain and liver cells).

Opening Remarks & Hack the Badge

Curtis Koenig: Hacking Your Career

Nathan Magniez: Alice in Exploit Redirection Land: A Trip Down the Rabbit Hole

Explanation of Contests

Security Phreak & SkyDog: The Dark Arts of OSINT

G. Mark Hardy: How the West was Pwned

Georgia Weidman: Bypassing Security Controls with Mobile Devices

Winn Schwartau: I Survived Rock and Roll!

Jon Callas: Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Hacker Jeopardy Hosted by: G. Mark Hardy Heckling by: Winn Schwartau

Billy Hoffman: Start Ups and Lessons Learned

Panel Talk: Building and Growing a Hacker Space With: l0stkn0wledge, Dave Marcus, and SkyDog

IronGeek & SkyDog: Con Video Rig Enhancements

Evan Booth: Terminal Cornucopia

Chris Hadnagy: Don't Hijack My Amygdala Bro: The New Human Buffer Overflow

Deviant Ollam: Android Phones Can Do That?!?: Custom Tweaking for Power Security Users

Branson Matheson: Hacking Your Minds & Emotions

Billy Hoffman: Inside the Hacker’s Studio Interviews Dave Marcus: Director and Chief Architect of Threat Research and Intelligence for McAfee®'s Federal Advanced Programs Group

Bart Hopper: Identifying Evil: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering Malware and Other Software

Solomon Sonya & Nick Kulesza: PenTesters' Delight: When Your Exploits Fail

Chris Silvers: Cyber Secs Education: A Hackers Guide to "The Talk"

Josh Schroeder: CCTV: Setup Attack Vectors and Laws

Travis Goodspeed: Building an Actively Antiforensic iPod

Branden Miller: NSA Wiretaps Are Legal and Other Annoying Facts


Vivek Shandilya: Lightning Talks

Charline Nixon: Lightning Talks

Chris Anderson: Operational Security and Your Mental Health

Michael Raggo: Data Hiding and Steganography

Closing Remarks / Good-Byes

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