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How Hyperbolic Discounting is keeping your security program from succeeding - Jon Clark (ShowMeCon 2018) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

How Hyperbolic Discounting is keeping your security program from succeeding
Jon Clark

ShowMeCon 2018

Hyperbolic discounting is a concept from the relatively new field of behavioral economics. It seeks to understand the cognitive bias we have toward choosing a lower-reward "sure thing" over being willing to take a risk on something better that will only pay out in the future. This talk seeks to understand how this bias works, and to explore how this bias is causing senior decision makers to not place the appropriate value on identified risks. Finally, Jon will discuss how to use knowledge of this bias to develop methodologies to overcome objections for funding security initiatives.

Bio: Husband, Father to 4, InfoSec Guy, Proud USMC Veteran, Former Adjunct Professor - Lindenwood University, Former Network Consultant, Former Microsoft Certification Trainer. I started on a Commodore Vic20 way back when, typing in programs out of Byte Magazine. These days I watch my technical skills slowly erode as I work more on policy and people, and focus in on Enterprise Risk Management. I,m very busy with my four children, and active in my church both locally and overseas in Eldoret, Kenya, where I hope to retire someday.

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