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Check Yo Self Before you Wreck Yo Self: The new wave of Account Checkers and Underground Rewards Fraud - Benjamin Brown (ShowMeCon 2016) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Check Yo Self Before you Wreck Yo Self: The new wave of Account Checkers and Underground Rewards Fraud
Benjamin Brown

ShowMeCon 2016

There's a new wave of account checker gangs and a coinciding explosion in the underground market for goods involving hacked rewards accounts. Let's dive into how these new account checker attacks work and how they are cashing out their ill-gotten gains. I

Bio: Benjamin Brown currently works on darknet research, threat intelligence, incident response, and adversarial resilience at Akamai Technologies. He has experience in the non-profit, academic, and corporate worlds as well as degrees in both Anthropology and International Studies. Research interests include: darknet and deepweb ethnographic studies; novel and side-channel attack vectors; radio systems; the psychology and anthropology of information security; metacognitive techniques for intelligence analysis; threat actor profiling; and thinking about security as an ecology of complex systems.

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