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FireTalks from Shmoocon 2011 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

FireTalks from Shmoocon 2011

Grecs and the folks at Shmoo were kind enough to let me record the FireTalks from Shmoocon 2011. More details about the event can be found here:


I Ligatted most of the infromation from the site above. Thanks to the Volunteers:

  • Jack “@jack_daniel” Daniel (sponsorship)
  • Georgia “@vincentkadmon” Weidman (backup session recordings; streaming)
  • Mike “@rybolov” Smith (fireplace; judging panel)
  • Nathi “@nathiet” Thwala (TBD)
  • Jason “@jasonmoliver” Oliver (security – the physical kind)
  • DaKahuna (@DaKahuna2007) (A/V coordination; timer)
  • Adrian “@irongeek_adc” Crenshaw (session recordings)

Night 1

Name Title
@Grecs Welcome & Announcements
Ralph “@RalphBroom” Broom & Danny Gottovi Protocol Security: You’re (Still) Doing It Wrong
Rick “Zero_Chaos” Farina Radio Chaos: Why Retired Men Know More about Hacking than You Do
Lisa “@llorenzin” Lorenzin What I Learned about Security at Burning Man
Irongeek “@irongeek_adc Intro to I2P
Jimmy “@shah_jim” Shah Mobile Botnets and Rootkits: An Overview
Jack “@jack_daniel” Daniel Is it better to burn out than fade away?


Night 2

Name Title
Grecs Updates & Announcements
Valerie “@hacktress09” Thomas Gurlz Rule and Boys Drool: How a Hacktress Can Take Your Social Engineering to the Next Level
DaveMarcus Using Social Networks to Profile, Find and Own Your Victims
Schuyler “@Shoebox” Towne We Need to Start Attacking Disc Detainer Locks
Raphael “@armitagehacker” Mudge Armitage: Cyber Attack Management for Metasploit
Michael “@theprez98” Schearer Net Neutrality, the FCC, and the End of the Internet as We Know It (in 15 Minutes or Less)
Gal “@shpantzer” Shpantzer Security Outliers: Cultural Cues from High Risk Professions


Night 1
To download, right click the link below:(210.7MB)

Night 2
To download, right click the link below:(226.8MB)


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