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Changing What Game- One Future for Information Security Are we doomed? Should we dust out the fallout shelter for the Cypocalypse? How much was your registration payment for this session? We can’t go back. As the justices said back in the day, “the content on the Internet is as diverse as human thought;” we, at least in America, can’t throttle back the diversity and richness of human creation in the great game of e-discourse and challenge. We will discuss whether a game of secure hyper-connected life is possible and, if so, do we need to change our game on living safely and securely in a ubiquitously connected world. We submit the human-machine interface is at the heart of living well and safely; we ignore its needs at our peril.
1. The State of Cybersecurity 2. The failings of cybersecurity 3. The role of the user in cybersecurity 4. The revision we need for cybersecurity – how we must engage everyone is the common enterprise of cyber safety 5. audience input 6. Conclusion
Michael Losavio teaches on computer engineering and criminal justice issues at the University of Louisville. He managed judicial and court training for the Kentucky Court of Justice for five years prior to serving as the Jefferson Circuit Court Clerk, overseeing training for judges and staff attorneys from trial courts to the Kentucky Supreme Court. He has presented on the use of electronic evidence and digital forensics and has taught in Mexico and Egypt. His J.D. is from Louisiana State University. Back to Louisville InfoSec 2013 video list
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