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Poking The Bear - Mike Kemp GrrCON 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Poking The Bear
Mike Kemp
GrrCON 2015

Greetings Komrade. In this talk, Mike Kemp shall illuminate and illustrate the glorious motherland for reasons of education and entertainment. The technician and proletarian classes shall be guided through glorious history until the new dawn of the workers republic is opened to all. This abstract is probably as funny as it will get as the talk will also focus upon the current state of Putin net and the weird world of RUNET. State security will not be breached in this transmission however it is the sincere hope that the author will not sufficiently annoy the FSB to end up in Siberian detention. Godless Communists and fellow travellers are welcomed to attend however it should be noted that subject matters maybe be contentious and trained by bourgeoisie constraints. I suppose if you,ve made it this far, an actual description would be good? Okay. Fine. Spoil my fun. How joyless of you. This talk will look at the history of computing, the Internet (and a bit of espionage) and Russia (or the USSR, or the Soviet Union). It will highlight the development of computing, a history of the Internet, and also examine some deficiencies which have been discovered. Basically rather than picking on poor defenceless North Korea, or Iran, I am to steal a phrase; escalating. Given the topic there will probably be less humor than usual. I will however swear. Probably frequently. Also I shall almost certainly use inappropriate language that is neither big nor clever.

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