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Applying the 32 Zombieland Rules to IT Security - Larry Pesce Derbycon 2013 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Applying the 32 Zombieland Rules to IT Security - Larry Pesce
Derbycon 2013

Description: OMG ZOMBIES!!! Did that get your attention? I’m a big fan of preparing for the “zombie apocalypse” but not so much a fan of zombie movies. I am, however a huge fan of Zombieland. In the movie, the protagonists come up with 32 solid rules for survival in the zombie apocalypse. In this presentation, we’ll take a tongue in cheek approach to how we can apply the 32 Zombieland rules to practical IT security techniques. Brains will not be served at this presentation.

Bio: Larry is a Senior Security Analyst with InGuardians after a long stint in Security and Disaster Recovery in healthcare, performing penetration testing, wireless assessments, and hardware hacking. He also diverts a significant portion of his attention co-hosting the PaulDotCom Security Weekly podcast and likes to tinker with all things electronic and wireless, much to the disappointment of his family, friends, warranties and his second Leatherman Multi-tool. Larry also co-authored “Linksys WRT54G Ultimate Hacking” and “Using Wireshark and Ethereal” from Syngress. Larry is an Extra Class Amateur Radio operator (KB1TNF) and enjoys developing hardware and real-world challenges for the Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Challenge.

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