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Disaster Recovery isn't exciting or prestigious, but recent real world examples have shown the consequences for failing to create and test an effective plan. Building a clear, flexible plan will let you recover gracefully from an outage and meet your service requirements. This talk will lay out how to model failures in your environment, create and document a plan for recovery, and test it thoroughly. Prepare your team to respond to a disaster (be it environmental, fire, or ransomware to name a few). Colin has been working in IT for more than 24 years, and has been with his current employer for 12 years. Not long after starting there, he had the obsolete corporate Disaster Recovery plan dumped in his lap and had to create a new, functional testing plan from it's ashes. Under his direction, the DR plan has been tested annually and used operationally twice due to power failures and fires at the corporate HQ that shutdown operations in that location.
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