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Navigating the FDA Recommendations on Medical Device Security _ and how they will shape the future of all IoT - Jake "malwarejake" Williams (Central Ohio Infosec Summit 2016) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Navigating the FDA Recommendations on Medical Device Security _ and how they will shape the future of all IoT
Jake "malwarejake" Williams

Bio: Jake Williams, the founder and principal consultant at Rendition InfoSec, has over a decade of experience in secure network design; penetration testing, incident response, forensics, and malware reverse engineering. Prior to founding Rendition InfoSec, he worked with various government agencies in information security roles. Jake is a SANS certified instructor and author. Jake has performed security assessments and intrusion responses in classified and unclassified government environments as well as across multiple industry verticals in the commercial space. He is a former Network Exploitation operator with the DoD where he is one of less than 15 people to date who have earned the designation of «Master CNE Operator. Although his efforts in this space, are classified he was awarded the Exceptional Civilian Service Medal, DoDs highest civilian honor, given to fewer than 20 people annually.

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