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Attacking the data before the decision - Rhett Greenhagen (BSides Tampa 2020) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Attacking the data before the decision
Rhett Greenhagen
BSides Tampa 2020

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are emerging as leading technologies when it comes to how data is ingested into graph database management systems such as Neo4j, MongoDB, Cassandra, ArangoDB, Orient DB, Titan, JanusGraph, etc.. One way to manipulate this data leverages said technologies: adversarial modeling/machine learning. And, yes, the bad guys know about it. In this talk, I?ll share examples of how nation-state actors and cybercriminals are using this method - and how you can defend yourself. Did you know, for example, that cybercriminals work closely with fraud rings to mitigate fraud detection algorithms? Learning how these attacks unfold is critical to preventing them. Attendees will walk away with the knowledge of how malicious hackers can use both simple and advanced attack methods - and armed with the knowledge to protect themselves, too.

Rhett Greenhagen is a Senior Security Associate at Bishop Fox, where he is a member of the research and development team. Rhett has over a decade of red teaming and network security experience. His focuses encompass open source intelligence, cyber counterintelligence, profiling, exploitation, and malware analysis in addition to technical research. An accomplished speaker, Rhett has spoken at numerous conferences, such as Black Hat USA and DEF CON on a variety of security and related topics.

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