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<? $People ?> Process Technology - Jeff @ghostnomad Kirsch Bsides Cleveland 2012 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

<? $People ?> Process Technology - Jeff @ghostnomad Kirsch

Information Security as an industry gets technology and process, but we often forget about the people part of the equation. Almost in parallel as an industry we are finding more and more that most organizations are not in the business of security, but in the business of selling a product or service. This means iron clad security is no longer the norm, and if the people in charge of selling things forget about the people who are securing things because we are inconvenient all our process and technology efforts have gone for not. We need to develop a way to not only educate end users but also educate them on how security risk equates to business risk. We can not rely on security awareness that meets compliance requirements, we need a method to track and respond to peoples needs that maximizes our security strategy.


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