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Paul Asadoorian A robot, a ninja and a pirate get into a fight. The
question is: who wins? While we can debate this question until the end
of time, likely have fun in the process; it's a waste of time. Who are
the robots, ninjas and pirates in your environment? What roles do they
play in the vulnerability management process? We debate how to build a
vulnerability management program all the time, however we are still
spinning our wheels. Unlike the robot, ninja, pirate battle, there are
concrete facts that will help you build a successful program, and avoid
smoke bombs, swords, and robot death rays. Who wins? Find out in this
presentation and learn how to protect your booty. Bio: Paul Asadoorian has a background in UNIX/Linux security, embedded device
hacking and penetration testing. He is the founder and CEO of Security
Weekly, an organization which has been dedicated to security and hacking
related podcasts, blogs, webcasts and Internet TV for 10 years. During
the day, Paul is a Product Strategist for Nessus at Tenable Network
Security, performing product research in the vulnerability management
market. Paul also researches embedded systems security and teaches on
the subject at security conferences. In addition to his widely
appreciated blogs, podcasts and frequent presentations at security
conferences, Paul is the co-author of "WRT54G Ultimate Hacking" and
"Offensive Countermeasures: The Art of Active Defense".
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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast