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So You Want To Be A H6x0r, Getting Started in Cybersecurity - Doug White and Russ Beauchemin (ANYCon 2017 Videos) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

So You Want To Be A H6x0r, Getting Started in Cybersecurity
Doug White and Russ Beauchemin

ANYCon 2017

Russ and Doug, co-hosts of Secure Digital Life and with a combined, MANY years working the Cybersecurity community, talk about how you can break into the world of certs, rootkits, and advanced degrees. This talk is primarily focused on attendees who are interested in learning more about what skills, certifications, and training should be pursued to enter the Cybersecurity workforce with a focus on reality.

Doug White, Chair, Cybersecurity and Networking, Roger Williams University, Time Lord. Russ Beauchemin, Director of Instructional Support & Learning Innovation Cybersecurity, Network Security, & Digital Forensics Program Advisor

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