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Big Data's Big Problems - Jeanna Neefe Matthews (ANYCon 2017 Videos) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Big Data's Big Problems
Jeanna Neefe Matthews

ANYCon 2017

The data that we record daily about ourselves through our cell phones, credit card purchases, emails, social media postings, etc., helps us connect with each other and improve our quality of life. However, we are also enabling a set of societal harms that we have not yet begun to grapple with seriously. I will be discussing some of the problems of big data including insufficient anonymization and unfairness in automated decision making.

Jeanna Neefe Matthews is an associate professor of computer science at Clarkson University. Her research interests include virtualization, cloud computing, computer security, computer networks and operating systems. At Clarkson, she leads several hands-on computing laboratories including the Clarkson Open Source Institute and Clarkson Internet Teaching Laboratory. Students in these labs and in her classes have been winners in a number of prestigious computing contests including the 2001, 2002, and 2004 IBM Linux Challenge, the 2005 IBM North American Grid Scholar's Challenge, the 2005 Unisys Tuxmaster competition, and the 2006 VMware Ultimate Virtual Appliance Challenge. She has worked actively on industrial projects with companies including VMware, Intel, IBM, AMD, HP and Greenplum/EMC. She has held a number of professional leadership positions including member of the ACM Executive Committee, the chair of the Governing Board of ACM Special Interest Groups (SGB), chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Operating systems (SIGOPS), editor of ACM Operating System Review, member of the Executive Committee of US-ACM, the U.S. Public Policy Committee of ACM and an ACM Distinguished Speaker. She has written several popular books including

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