What is Mutillidae?
Mutillidae is a free, open source web application provided to allow security enthusiest to pen-test and hack
a web application. Mutillidae can be installed on Linux, Windows XP, and Windows 7
using XAMMP making it easy for users who do not want to install or administrate their own webserver.
It is already installed on Samurai WTF. Simply replace existing version with latest on Samurai.
Mutillidae contains dozens of vulnerabilities and hints to help the user exploit them;
providing an easy-to-use web hacking environment deliberately designed to be used as a hack-lab
for security enthusiast, classroom labs, and vulnerability assessment tool targets. Mutillidae has
been used in graduate security courses, in corporate web sec training courses, and as an
"assess the assessor" target for vulnerability software.
Mutillidae has been tested/attacked with Cenzic Hailstorm ARC, W3AF, SQLMAP,
Samurai WTF, Backtrack, HP Web Inspect, Burp-Suite, NetSparker Community Edition, and other tools. If you
would like to practice pen-testing/hacking a web application by exploiting cross-site scripting, sql injection,
response-splitting, html injection, javascript injection, clickjacking, cross frame scripting,
forms-caching, authentication bypass, or many other vulnerabilities, then Mutillidae is for you.
The current version of Mutillidae, code named "NOWASP Mutillidae 2.x", was developed by Jeremy Druin aka webpwnized. Mutillidae 2.x
is based on Adrian "Irongeek" Crenshaw's Mutillidae project which is now refered to as Mutillidae 1.x or Mutillidae classic.
Mutillidae 1.x is still available on Sourceforge along side the current project.
Quickstart Installation Video
Usage Instructions
Mutillidae contains all of the vulnerabilties from the
OWASP Top 10.
Go to the OWASP Top 10 page to read about a vulnerability, then choose it from
the list on the left to try it out. Hints may help.
Mutillidae currently has two modes: secure and insecure (default). In insecure mode, the
project works like Mutillidae 1.0. Pages are vulnerable to at least the topic they
fall under in the menu. Most pages are vulnerable to much more. In secure mode,
Mutillidae attempts to protect the pages with server side scripts. Also, hints are disabled in
secure mode. In the interest of making as many challenges as possible, this can be defeated.
In Mutillidae 2.0, the code has been commented to allow the user to see how the defense works.
To get the most out of the project, avoid reading the source code until after learning how
to exploit it. But if you get stuck, the comments should help. Learning how the attack
works should help to understand the defense.
Get rid of PHP "Strict" Errors
Please see documentation at the Sourceforge documentation page. Please note help file "tips-on-php-strict-errors.txt" concerning PHP strict errors.
- Created by Jeremy "webpwnized" Druin based on the original Mutillidae project of Irongeek.
- If you would like to learn about other deliberately vulnerable web
applications, check out
Deliberately Insecure Web Applications For Learning Web App Security.
Do NOT run this code on a production network. Either run it on a
private network, or restrict your web server software to only use the local
loopback address. By default Mutillidae only allows access from localhost
(127.*.*.*). Edit the .htaccess file to change this behavior (not recommended on a public network).
If for some reason .htaccess is not parsed you can
restrict the IP by finding the "Listen" line in the http.conf file and changing
it to read: Listen
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